Carers Bromley’s Concerning Carers newsletter January/February
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Can be viewed by clicking here....
Help autistic and other disabled children in the UK get the speech therapy they need. BPV would like to share this e-petition with members as some may wish to support it. The petitioner is a parent carer from Derbyshire who also happens to be a consultant...
A new drop in support group run by parents for parents and carers of children with disabilities and/or additional needs and will be running in the Beckenham/Penge/Anerley area called Parents are Special Too. The Parents are Special Too group is open to all and gives parents...
Bringing Us Together are delighted to announce our first Conference, in collaboration with Care Management Group. We aim to help you think outside the box with our wonderful key note speakers who will be uplifting and inspiring you to think about things a little differently...
Welcome to the joint bulletin of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF) and Contact a Family. Download the latest issue....
Drop in parent, baby and toddler groups run weekly on Thursdays during term time 1.30-3pm at Community Vision Children and Family Centre, in Penge. The group provides a forum for parents of a child with Visual Impairment to meet together in a relaxed and friendly environment. The...
If you want to experience the workplace, learn more about a career, gain useful contacts and improve your employability, we’re here to help! Here at Whizz-Kidz, we offer a range of work placement and internships opportunities, and work skills days - all designed just for young disabled people age 14-25...
PIP Toolkit for anyone needing assistance with PIP. Please note though DLA claimants do not need to take any action to claim PIP until they are told to do so by DWP.
'What the Children and Families Act 2014 means for Parent Carer Forums' with Steve Broach. The following video provides general information in relation to the law affecting disabled children to help parent forums in their work. Click here for instructions on how to access the Webinar. ...