What is an EHC Plan and how do I request an assessment for my child?

Bromley Mencap
Burgess Autistic Trust
Bromley Parent Voice
Experts By Experience

The Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan is a new way of working for children and young people with more complex needs that puts children, young people and families at the very centre of the assessment and planning process, to make sure that your views are not only heard but also understood. This is called person centred planning and is all about increasing your choice and control.

This new process focuses on what is important for children and young people. Young people and families have helped to design the new Bromley EHC plan and so far people are saying that they feel more listened to and more involved in decision-making in ways that make sense to them.

The Local Authority have prepared a number of useful documents to help Parents and Young People to understand the new referral pathways.

Click here for useful Guides and Resources