Transition Services

Improving support at transition from children to adult services is one of key areas set out in the SEN & Disability Green Paper ‘Support & Aspirations’.


The London Borough of Bromley have produced a resource guide to transition and transition planning in Bromley for young people with learning disabilities.


You can download this guide by clicking here.


Please click on the links below to access the power point presentations given at the Transition workshop held at the Civic Centre on 9th February, 2012.

Do not forget if you would like to contact the parent representatives for transition you can email them at

Transition Timeline

This time line explains how the transition process should work in Bromley.


14 Year 9 Transition Review held at school – Connexions advise on college / further education. If involved, Children’s Disability Team (CDT) advise on potential future services from Adult services.

Transition Plan completed by CDT with family and sent to Referral & Transfer meeting where it is discussed with Transition Team and Physical Disability & Sensory Impairment (PDSI) team. Agreement reached whether meets criteria for Adult services and if so, which Adult team is appropriate.

16 Benefits change – may be eligible for Incapacity Benefit / Income Support / Educational Maintenance Allowance. Disability Living Allowance – parents may need to become appointees for their child.

Year 11 annual review – if likely to be eligible for adult services, Transition Team / PDSI team to update Transition Plan (as agreed at Referral & Transfer meeting). Connexions to advise on further education / employment / training options.

(16+ if leaving school – access 2/3 years college / further education course if appropriate)

17.5 Transition Team / PDSI team complete CCA to identify appropriate service provision and apply to Adult funding panel for any services required 18+

18 Services / funding from CDT stops and transfers to appropriate Adult team.  Transitional Health Care Plans are completed for those eligible.

(18+  Respite at Hollybank stops on day before 19th birthday)

19 Education in special needs schools stops July after 19th birthday

19+ leaving school – access 2/3 years college / further education course if appropriate

22 Transition Team can work with people until 23. Transfer to Adult learning disability service once settled. PDSI team work with people up to 65. Connexions Service will remain available to SEN/LDD clients up to their 25th birthday.

View Timeline

Person centred planning in Bromley


The London Borough of Bromley is working in partnership with Advocacy for All to support and develop Person Centred Planning (PCP) in the borough of Bromley.


The Local Authority will make sure that Person Centred Plans are working and supporting staff to work in a person centred way.


Advocacy for All co-ordinate Person Centred Planning and provide training for professionals and parents.




Natspec is an association for independent specialist colleges that provide further education for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities.  Find out more at


New easy read website from Bromley Council


This new website will contain information about support provided by Adult and Community Services and their partners e.g. Bromley Mencap and Bromley Autistic Trust in a format which accessible for young people and adults with a learning