Independent Support is a time limited programme to provide additional support to young people and parents during the implementation of the SEND reforms, it is Government funded and Council for Disabled Children will manage the process and oversee an independent evaluation.
In the London Borough of Bromley a consortium consisting of Bromley Mencap, Burgess Autistic Trust, Bromley Parent Voice and Experts by Experience were successful in their application to complete work for the Evidence Gathering and Build Phase of the programme, which has helped to gather evidence and inform the delivery of the Independent Support programme from September 2014. You can access the report by clicking here.
Click here for an overview of how the Independent Support programme will be delivered in the London Borough of Bromley.
Does your child have a Statement or Learning Difficulty Assessment? Click here to view the flyer which highlights on some of the changes which could affect you.
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SEND Reforms extend from birth to 25 years.
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