Bromley CCG mental health stakeholder event

Date(s) - 05/12/2016
09:00 - 16:30

The Warren

About the event

As part of the development of a mental health strategy for Bromley, the CCG will be holding a stakeholder event on Monday 5 December at The Warren, Hayes, BR2 7AL between 9am and 4.30pm.

This will be the first of a number of events aimed at enabling as many views as possible to be expressed and considered in the development of the strategy. We are particularly interested in hearing from people who use mental health services in Bromley as well as carers and family members. Stuart Thompson, Mental Health Commissioning Manager, BCCG will be in contact with our providers to identify service users and carers wishing to attend.

We will be circulating a survey monkey with what are believed to be some of our priorities in Bromley in respect of mental health and will be asking invitees and attendees to identify what they see as the top nine priority areas to be addressed by the mental health strategy.

The priorities will then be used in the morning of the stakeholder event to identify the desired outcomes and the milestones required to achieve them. This will then be followed up by a further nine areas in the afternoon again providing the outcomes to be achieved and the milestones required to achieve them.

There will no doubt be additional areas and topics that are not covered on the day that will require further consideration and will be included as part of the ongoing process. The event on 5th December is very much a start and not an end in itself.

If you are able to attend or would like further information please email Robert Everett at

Dave Moore
Communications and Engagement Manager
Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group
